Annica Reads

This a companion Blog to Annica Abounds-it is all about what I have read and what I like to read.

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Location: Ferndale, Michigan, United States

I am a 35 yr old, newly married mother of one daughter. I am a Buddhist and a Witch.

Thursday, March 04, 2004

Kiln People by David Brin

Good book-a very cool what if? scenario, relevant to the fast paced, high-stressed lifestyle we live today. With all of our modern conveniences including: easier, safer life style conveniences-washer, dryer, dish washer, cars, public/mass transit, electricity, plumbing, grocery store, fast food- theoretically we should have lots of free time-time NOT spent washing clothes by hand, growing and canning our own food, walking or taking a horse to and from work, etc. In reality, we work more and are under more work and lifestyle stress than our ancestors who were farmers and walked or rode horses into town. What does such a high stress society call for? Disposable versions of yourself, of course. What if, you really could be in more than one place at the same time? What if you could go to work, clean the house, run errands, do chores AND stay at home in bed resting all day-all on the same day?
If you had Kiln People you could. Brin takes us to a future Los Angeles and to the life of Detective-for-hire Albert Morris. Albert begins his Tuesday with three "dits" or dittoes. Two Greys to do "quality" follow up on some of his detective assignments and one "low level" Green to do dishes, laundry, etc while he catches up on some much needed rest. So begins a week long adventure the likes of which he could never have imagined.
This book is good on many levels. First, you have the sci fi what if society, next you have excellent characters-which are mostly versions of the main character-yet it works really well and finally you have a classic "whodunit" type detective novel. I liked the caste sytem for the dittoes myself-highest mental functioning-ebony, highest sensuality functioning-ivory, highest general intelligence-grey, most common worker drone-green. The book was fast paced and interesting until the end which kind of sucked. I still liked the book but wish the author had just gone ahead and ended the story and left the whole "soul enlightenment" stuff alone.

~~~~Where ever you go, There you are!


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