Annica Reads

This a companion Blog to Annica Abounds-it is all about what I have read and what I like to read.

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Location: Ferndale, Michigan, United States

I am a 35 yr old, newly married mother of one daughter. I am a Buddhist and a Witch.

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Wildseed by Octavia Butler

This novel features the most interesting character I have ever read about. Anyanwu is a native African woman who has lived 300 years when the novel opens. She still appears to be in her early 20's which is where she apparently stopped aging. However, she can take any shape she likes-panther, dog, male, old woman, white man. She is ageless, timeless and a healer of immense and unbelievable skill. She can literally kill-or heal-with a kiss. In the novel she meets a probable ancestor of hers-Doro-a monster who is somewhat like a vampire. Doro does not kill by drinking blood, he kills by stealing bodies-which he later discards-dead-like so much trash. Anyanwu joins Doro in America in hopes of having children she will not have watch grow old and die. Then as she realizes the horror of him she flees-and hides. She lives for years as a dolphin and even bears dolphin children. She lives as a white man in the old salve owning South and fathers daughters on a wife......
Excellent novel.

~~~~Where ever you go, There you are!